Wednesday 26 June 2013


In the back of my mind I've been sorting out what this would look like, what would be my message, what I would try to get across in this post.  I wish that I would have come to some sort of conclusion, consequently this is going to seem kinda scrambled.  Fitting I guess given my mental state.  I'm hanging in there for the most part.  My emotions ride the wave of the roller-coaster Kiah is on, changing every second.  My boy is managing the best he can given all of the drugs he has in his tiny body and given his limited toddler coping skills (pretty sure he is making up now for having never thrown a tantrum in his whole life).  

The good news is that since the first few hiccups, Kiah's Chemotherapy and the rest of the conditioning phase has gone pretty smoothly.  Trust me I know that we have a long way to go as the giant transplant calendar points out, we haven't even gotten to the plus numbers yet.  And that on a bad day is horribly depressing.  One day at a time Momma, one day at a time.  That said… today was the last day of Chemo and tomorrow Kiah's body will have a break before his transplant on Friday.  

Up until this point we've spent most of our days playing basketball, watching sesame street on youtube, reading books, and playing on the iPad.  It is hard though to keep a two year old on isolation, hooked up to several lines, in a hospital bed, in a tiny room around the clock. But we manage to find ways to pass the time being silly and laughing with our sweet boy. 

Ps. apologizing again for the scrambled post (if your still reading).

giant transplant calendar.  :P
getting our sillies out…  

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